
Need To Know What a ❤️ Shih Tzu Can’t Eat – My Experience

What Foods Shih Tzus Can’t Eat?

Many Shih Tzu owners feed their Shih Tzu foods they can’t eat. I was shocked to hear about a Shih Tzu owner that fed a fried egg to her Shih Tzu and he died. That is when I started doing my own research and make other Shih Tzu owners and even other dog owners become aware of these risks. Many of these apply to any dog breed. It might seem that asking what foods Shih Tzus can’t eat is the same as foods other dogs cannot consume but in fact, Shih Tzus have a variety of health concerns and some of them are lessened by using the right diet.

Like most dogs, the Shih Tzu loves to eat. You’ll want to ensure you purchase high-quality dog food that provides your pet with the nutritional content he or she needs to stay healthy. It may be tempting for you to feed your pet table food as a treat or even for a meal. However, there are certain types of foods that you should never give to your Shih Tzu. A common mistake many owners make is assuming that dogs can eat anything that humans eat. Unfortunately, there are some foods that — while safe for you and me — could be harmful or even fatal to your dog.

Although there are some human foods that Shih Tzus can safely consume, the following foods can prove to be lethal and should never be fed to your pet.

Here is a list of foods that Shih Tzus should not eat:

1. Milk and Dairy – Lactose Intolerance in Dogs

Some dogs enjoy drinking milk, but unfortunately, they are not capable of digesting the lactose in milk and other dairy products. This causes soft stools and watery diarrhea, which is not just a mess but could cause dehydration. To avoid this problem, use lactose-free dairy products for your Shih Tzu.

Many dogs love dairy products. But, can dogs drink milk? In short, maybe. Like many human foods, it should only be given to your dog in moderation. It’s also important to note that a lot of pups are lactose intolerant, and drinking milk can cause intestinal upset.

Dairy products are a leading source of food intolerance in Shih Tzus, and many canines are lactose intolerant, which means they have difficulty digesting milk. Some lactose-intolerant dogs have trouble drinking milk but can handle dairy products like cheese and plain yogurt, which are typically easier to digest than straight milk. Others have adverse reactions to dairy in general.

Many Sih Tzu owners don’t find out that their dogs are lactose intolerant until they feed them milk. Trying to determine if your dog is lactose intolerant can also be tricky if your pup has consumed a large amount of milk, as this can also trigger vomiting and diarrhea in dogs that are not lactose intolerant. However, if your dog shows signs of these symptoms after drinking a small amount of milk, you should find a different treat.

Always consult your veterinarian before introducing anything new into your dog’s diet.

2. Eggs

Remember at the beginning of this article? I told you about a friend that fed her Shih Tzu a fried egg and killed it. Whether cooked or raw I would avoid 100%.

Eggs may be high in protein, but they are also ideal for bacterial growth. Raw eggs may also decrease the absorption of biotin, leading to skin and coat problems that make your pet uncomfortable. Some people will tell you if you cook or boil an egg you can give it to them but do not chance it with a Shih Tzu.

3. Avocado

You’re making a healthy salad for your lunch packed with delicious, healthy ingredients like tomatoes, cucumbers, and avocado. As you dice up your veggies and stack them into your bowl, you look down to notice your little Shih Tzu patiently awaiting any scraps that may drop.

But although these foods are healthy for you, are they safe for your dog? Can you give your dog a bite of your veggies for your salad? Can Shih Tzu eat avocado? As healthy as it may sound, avocado contains a toxin called persin that is found in the pit of the fruit. The toxin may also appear in other parts of the fruit as well. While this fruit is more toxic to birds and larger animals, such as cattle. However, it may have negative impacts on a Shih Tzu, including vomiting and constipation. The bigger risk for avocado is when dogs consume the pit — this could get stuck in the stomach, intestinal tract, or esophagus of your pet. They can give your little Tzu gastrointestinal irritation and could lead to red blood cell damage, particularly when eaten in large quantities.

If there are such controversy and uncertainty around the avocado for Shih Tzu and other dogs, then why do some people feed their dogs avocado at all?

Avocados do offer a number of potential health benefits to dogs, as well as to humans. They are an excellent source of healthy fats, potassium, and more.

If your veterinarian gives the OK, it may be fine to give your dog a few bites of avocado from time to time. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that this is still a controversial opinion and is not our recommendation.

4. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts may be good for humans, but they’re definitely not a food you should consider for your Shih Tzu. These nuts contain a toxin that can cause such side effects as weakness, tremors, depression, and hyperthermia.

Do you know what allergic reactions can happen from macadamia nuts? It can be serious and pretty severe. Dogs, especially Shih Tzu are quite sensitive, so to avoid these nuts is a must or else they can suffer from muscle tremors and in some cases paralysis too.

5. Chocolate

Many dog owners know not to feed any dog chocolate. Chocolate can help to raise your mood, not your dog’s. Chocolate contains the bromine which is a cardiac stimulant. This will make your dog hyperactive, pass urine in a lot of amounts, suffer from dehydration and diarrhea and make them really sick.

The other thing that can happen from chocolate is pancreas attack as there is a high-fat content. So, this is why chocolate is a dangerous food for your Shih Tzu or dog.


6. Caffeine and Products Containing Caffeine

The effect is quite similar to chocolate. Caffeine also works as a stimulator and makes the heartbeat go very fast. So, avoid feeding them coffee, aerated drinks, and tea altogether.

7. Bread Dough

This is a very dangerous food for your Shih Tzu or any other dog. Make sure that they are not eating this at all. Even a small amount of bread dough can poison your pet. Bread dough rises inside the stomach and it produces alcohol. This is the reason for poisoning.

The result can be vomiting, abdominal pain and even depression due to sickness.

8. Candies

We already mentioned chocolate but many of you didn’t know candy is just as bad. The artificial sweetener in candy is called xylitol. Xylitol is found in many gums. This substance is not toxic to humans but may cause increased insulin production in dogs. High insulin leads to high absorption of sugar from the blood and hypoglycemia in the blood. Low sugar in the blood causes weakness, incoordination and eventually, seizures and liver failure. Xylitol is also found in some toothpaste.

9. Onions

This is a big one, onions can affect many adults let alone a small Shih Tzu. Onions in large quantities can be very dangerous for dogs, so it’s best to avoid feeding them any at all. Gastrointestinal irritation may occur, leading to red blood cell damage.

10. Apples, Peaches, Cherries, Plums

All these fruits have cyanide containing seeds. So, make sure to keep these dangerous foods for your Shih Tzu away. There are about 8 fruits dogs can not eat. These fruits can make it difficult for your dog to breathe and in some cases can also cause death. One cherry can cause severe diarrhea and other digestive problems. It is the seeds that cause many of the issues.

can shih tzu eat cherries

11. Salt

Salt is important but in a small amount. If they intake Sodium in a large amount, it can cause severe kidney problems.

12. Corn Cobs

Hopefully, you would not feed your Shih Tzu something larger than him or her. This blocks the intestinal movement and can make their stomach bloat. Yes, this happens and in many cases, they die. So, make sure your dog never has access to corn cobs.

If you keep your pet canines away from these foods, then they are safe.


What food Shih Tzus can eat?

Good foods

  • Whole chicken meat
  • Lamb
  • Fish
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Peas
  • Blueberries
  • Cranberries
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Brown rice

In the end, a good quality well-balanced diet is best for your Shih Tzu. The breed is one of the larger ones in the toy classification and makes a good pet for people who need a smaller dog. They are good eaters as a rule and can tend to get overweight quite easily.

They need a good percentage of protein which comes from whole meat and fish and they should not have sweet treats or table scraps. Whatever dog breed you’re feeding, you should remember to make sure that your dog is getting sufficient nutrition by choosing the top-rated dog foods. Whenever you question something, consult with a veterinarian before feeding to your precious Shih Tzu. I know it is hard to resist those eyes but as a responsible owner, you need to protect them.

Foods shih tzu can't eat

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